West Williamston Egg Predation Survey – Week 6

26 more BH eggs were added this week, including one more doublet.  This takes the egg total to 183 including 3 triplets and 16 doublets, with 3 predations - 186 tags in all. Spiders have been more in evidence too....

Last blast at the Rifle Range?

On Saturday the 13th, I spent the day at Steyning with Richard Roebuck in the vain hope of a last flourish of betulae  Unfortunately with a chilly north easterly breeze and broken cloud cover it proved difficult. After an hour we were rewarded with the appearance of a female in the reserve area. We lost sight of her completely and after half an hour decided to check the blackthorns by the entrance. There we found another female that had just finished laying. After managing a couple of...

West Williamston Egg Predation Survey – Week 5

The total number of eggs found to date in this small sample survey site is now 157 23 new eggs were found last week, and were tagged and added to the overall egg total.There have been 2 egg predations and possibly 2 more.  This will be confirmed next week – with no egg remnants to be found it makes sense to wait and compare these results with next weeks count. No more doubles or trebles were found this so week the overall count of 3 sets of triplets and 15 doublets remains.   ...

Brown hairstreak pin badges

I am receiving reports from hairstreakers across the country of an emergence of brown hairstreaks via the Royal Mail. Well yes, they arrived a couple of days early so I sent them out Thursday. As of Tuesday the 23rd of September all have now sold.. ...

West Williamston Egg Predation Survey – Week 4

A glorious morning, but where were the females? David Redhead had already seen a female before my arrival at 10.00am.  With a mild east wind and glorious blue sky we felt sure that there would be egg laying around us in abundance.  It was not to be and they were all elsewhere(see below). Count details are as follows Outside the fence I had 11 new eggs including 1 set of triplets.  54 eggs were re-found including 8 sets of twins and one set of triplets, with 1 predation. ...

Grafton Wood Open Day Success!

Grafton Wood in Worcestershire was THE place to be on Sunday 24th August. It was a beautiful, warm sunny morning which meant the Brownies were bound to be flying! As car after car pulled up in the carpark, Paul Fosterjohn's hugely popular Brown Hairstreak pin badges went flying off the table I'd set up, especially after I'd convinced everyone that wearing one would guarantee multiple sightings! 22 sold in 30 minutes, with the final 3 snapped up during the walk - this has got to be the most popular...

Life size brown hairstreak pin badge

Yes, folks your eyes did not deceive you a life size pin badge of the brown hairstreak is in production will be delivered to me on the 12th of September. Limited to 40 pieces and based on a photo taken at Steyning in August. The pin badge is of the underside of our favourite species in all its golden glory. The price including postage is £6.20 It will be presented on a backing card with another photo taken at Steyning two weeks later and have orange text. These will very likely...