egg searching methodology

Did anything ever come out of the egg-survey methodology meeting earlier in the yea...

Very late tatty sighting

I spent five successive but unsuccessful days at Bookham Commons mid-August looking for brown hairstreaks. (OK, I did see male and female through binos up a sycamore). I then went to the French Alps for three weeks. On my return, I had given up the possibility of seeing one. Then, on 7 Oct at 2.45pm, a dull day, while looking for speckled woods (or anything), I was surprised when something brown fluttered by. Brown hairstreak didn't even enter my thoughts. Small copper or moth maybe? Well,...

Shop early for Xmas

    Be the first to order the new West Midlands Butterfly Conservation calendar which is hot off the press.  In A4 landscape format in full colour, the calendar features all the winners in this year's West Midlands branch photographic competition.  The calendar is priced at £8 (£15 for two) and can be ordered from 8 Working Lane, Gretton, Cheltenham, Glos GL54 5YU.  Cheques should be made out to Butterfly Conservation West Midlands branch.  Copies can also...