Grafton Wood Emergence Is Underway

Amid reports of the Dorset Brown Hairstreak's beginning to emerge a few days ago, i received confirmation today from West Midlands Brown Hairstreak champion, Mike Williams, that a female was seen at Grafton Wood this morning! It will soon be time for some of this behaviour! ...

Brownie Beer Is Here!

As advertised in the Summer 2013 edition of Butterfly magazine, a new range of butterfly beers is now available from the wildlife-inspired beer specialists, From The Notebook Ltd. Founders Colin Bowler and Graeme Denton have created a range that consists of 4 different beers, including Red Admiral Ruby Ale, Orange-tip Amber Ale, Gatekeeper Best Bitter and our favourite - Brown Hairstreak Tawny Ale! The first 3 are available to buy now at £2.55 per bottle, with the Brown Hairstreak ale following...

Brown Hairstreak Emergence Begins!

We've been waiting all year for this and now its finally arrived - the 2013 Brown Hairstreak emergence has begun! Our very own CEO of Butterfly Conservation, Martin Warren, reported on Twitter that adults were seen on his transect walk at Alner's Gorse in Dorset - 1 on 24th July and another on 26th. It looks like things have finally caught up, thanks to the hot weather! If you've seen a Brown Hairstreak, please get in touch ( and/or sign up to the blog to post your sightings and photographs. Click here for more information...