Season's Greetings


How has BH been affected by last "summer"?

So, fellow streakers, Just interested to hear how you folks feel that this year's egg counts are comparing to recent years? Have just spent nearly 4 hours out at our main Lincolnshire stronghold today in ideal weather for egg-searching. Having visited a couple of areas where I would usually expect to find good numbers of eggs,  I have to say that I am slightly disappointed with my findings... Numbers do seem to be substantially down, perhaps not unexpectedly following one of the worst butterfly summers in recent years. Is anyone else experiencing reduced numbers this winter? Be interested to hear from fellow egg-hunters across the land.....

Ryton Egg Update

Its that time of year again! Ive only managed a couple of egging trips so far this month but things are looking positive for the Brown Hairstreak at Ryton Pools Country Park which adjoins Warwickshire's Butterfly Conservation reserve, Ryton Wood Meadows. So far, we have found over 80 eggs in the park itself, and another 5 on an adjoining lane. This beats the total found there last season! However, i wont be happy until i find at least another 65 eggs in the vicinity (i drive a hard bargain!). Plans are in progress for additional blackthorn planting at the park and ongoing management to increase blackthorn suitability for eggs. Check out our Ryton Wood Meadows reserve page on the excellent new Butterfly Conservation website...